The High Performance Computing Platforms (HPCP) Lab at Yonsei University investigates various research topics on computer architecture and system software. Among the research topics, the HPCP Lab places an emphasis on designing highly efficient architectural support and system software for emerging applications (e.g., deep learning) and computing platforms (e.g., GPUs, mobile SoCs, FPGAs). Our ultimate goal is to design computer architecture and systems for the good of great software!
We are seeking prospective PhD and MSc students interested in computer architecture and systems research. In case you are interested, please contact Prof. Youngsok Kim via
Jan. 2025- Yeonan received the 2024-2학기 대학원 혁신 우수논문상 (장려상) for his co-first-author FCCM 2024 paper. Congratulations to Yeonan!
- We have one paper accepted to IEEE CAL.
- Our paper titled "GCStack: A GPU Cycle Accounting Mechanism for Providing Accurate Insight into GPU Performance" has been accepted to IEEE CAL. Congratulations to Hanna, Sungchul, and Yeonan!
- Our paper titled "SPID-Join: A Skew-resistant Processing-in-DIMM Join Algorithm Exploiting the Bank- and Rank-level Parallelisms of DIMMs" has been accepted to SIGMOD 2025. Congratulations to Suhyun, Chaemin, and Jinwoo!
- Suhyun has been selected as a recipient of the NRF 박사과정생 연구장려금지원 program. Congratulations to Suhyun!
- We have one paper accepted to PACT 2024.
- We have one paper accepted to ICPP 2024.
- We have one paper accepted to LCTES 2024.
- Prof. Kim received the 2023 Yonsei Outstanding Teaching Award (우수강의교수상).
- Our paper titled "PID-Comm: A Fast and Flexible Collective Communication Framework for Commodity Processing-in-DIMM Devices" has been accepted to ISCA 2024. Congratulations to Chaemin!
- We have one paper accepted to MSST 2024.
- Our paper titled "MPC-Wrapper: Fully Harnessing the Potential of Samsung Aquabolt-XL HBM2-PIM on FPGAs" has been accepted to FCCM 2024. Congratulations to Jinwoo, Yeonan, Hanna, Seil, Sungchul, and Jounghoo!
- We received the Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention) at HPCA 2024.
- Jinwoo received the 2023-2학기 대학원 혁신 우수논문상 (단과대 최우수논문상) for his first-author IEEE TC 2023 paper. Congratulations to Jinwoo!
- We have one paper accepted to PPoPP 2024.
- We have one paper accepted to HPCA 2024.
- We have one paper accepted to PACT 2023.
- Jounghoo received the 2023-1학기 대학원 혁신 우수논문상 (단과대 최우수논문상) for his first-author ISCA 2022 paper. Congratulations to Jounghoo!
- We have one paper accepted to MICRO 2023.
- Our paper titled "Enabling Fine-Grained Spatial Multitasking on Systolic-Array NPUs Using Dataflow Mirroring" has been accepted to IEEE TC. Congratulations to Jinwoo, Yeonan, Jounghoo, and Sangsu!
- Suhyun received the 2023 Microchip Scholarship Award from Microchip Korea. Congratulations to Suhyun!
- Prof. Kim received the 2022 Yonsei Outstanding Teaching Award (우수강의교수상).
- We have one paper accepted to DAC 2023.
- Suhyun received the Best Poster Award at 2023 컴퓨터시스템 소사이어티 동계학술대회. Congratulations to Suhyun!
- Our paper titled "Design and Analysis of a Processing-in-DIMM Join Algorithm: A Case Study with UPMEM DIMMs" has been accepted to SIGMOD 2023. Congratulations to Chaemin, Suhyun, Jinwoo, and Jounghoo!
- We have one paper accepted to DATE 2023.
- Our paper titled "SGCN: Exploiting Compressed-Sparse Features in Deep Graph Convolutional Network Accelerators" has been accepted to HPCA 2023. Congratulations to Jounghoo!
- We received the Best Paper Award at PACT 2022. Congratulations to Jounghoo!
- We have one paper accepted to ASPLOS 2023.
- We have two papers accepted to PACT 2022. Congratulations to Jounghoo!
- Jinwoo has been selected as a recipient of the NRF 박사과정생 연구장려금지원 program. Congratulations to Jinwoo!
- Our paper titled "GCoM: A Detailed GPU Core Model for Accurate Analytical Modeling of Modern GPUs" has been accepted to ISCA 2022. Congratulations to Jounghoo, Yeonan, and Suhyun!
- Our paper titled "GuardiaNN: Fast and Secure On-Device Inference in TrustZone Using Embedded SRAM and Cryptographic Hardware" has been accepted to Middleware 2022. Congratulations to Jinwoo, Jaeyeon, Chaemin, and Suhyun!
- We have one paper accepted to IPDPS 2022.
- We have one paper accepted to IEEE CAL. Congratulations to Jounghoo!
- Our paper titled "Dataflow Mirroring: Architectural Support for Highly Efficient Fine-Grained Spatial Multitasking on Systolic-Array NPUs" has been accepted to DAC 2021. Congratulations to Jounghoo, Jinwoo, and Jaeyeon!
- We have one paper accepted to CGO 2021.
- We have one paper accepted to RTAS 2020.
- We have one paper accepted to MICRO 2019.